How do I create personalised call routes?
All Personalised Call Routing is managed within X-flow via the Routing Block
It can be added to any existing call flow
Personalised Call Routing allows surgeries to route specific patient telephone numbers
Personalised Call Routing allows selected numbers to be prioritised and can also be used to direct certain callers to particular Groups, or to receive relevant additional information either via SMS or a prompt message
We also have an Introduction to Personalised Call Routing Guide
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The Routing Block
The Routing block is used to configure the different call routes set by a practice
Adding Call Routing to a Call Flow
Step-by-step guide
Drag and drop the Routing icon onto the X-flow workspace
Place the routing block into the desired place in your call flow
Double-click the block to open up the Routing Properties. Click on the Properties tab to name your Routing Block and give it a meaningful description
Creating the number list - Import via CSV
Select Number List tab
Select Download Template - This will provide a CSV file for you to add your numbers and apply your routing types
Decide on which routing types you require. Populate the template with all the numbers that require personalised routing and add the Routing Type. The Routing Type is the reference you give it for how it will be dealt with
The Routing Block also allows partial number upload where the wildcard * is represented. In the example below we have shown routing for all calls from a geographical location and identified all callers ringing on a mobile
We recommend you update your Business Processes and keep a local central list for each routing block which you diarise to review regularly. This will allow you to track additions and amendments to your call routing numbers. We have made it easy for you to download and save your lists for audit purposes
You can enter a maximum of 500 numbers per Block
Once you have populated the template, click Upload Numbers. This will open up a modal for the file upload process
Once uploaded the user will be shown a confirmation window of successful and any failed numbers. Click Save to confirm the successful routing upload
Any failures will not be uploaded, they can be shown in list form on the screen. Should you wish to include these in the routing, the full list will need to be re-uploaded once the errors have been corrected
To add amended data you will have to re-upload the entire number list. All data will be removed and replaced with each upload
Once data has been uploaded the Number List tab will look like this:
The Summary will show how many numbers have been uploaded, it will also show how many unique Routing Types have been created
Clicking the View Number List button will open up a modal that looks like the following:
From this window, you can remove entries from the numbers list
Once the data is uploaded the routing types will automatically generate the Visible Outputs for the Routing Block. Tick the box next to the routing types you wish to appear as an output on the Routing Block via the Visible Outputs tab.
Click to Save. This will create your Routing Block with your selected outputs
This block now gives you the ability to tailor the routing for the numbers associated with each routing type
Call Routing Label on Inbound Calls
The routing type for an inbound call is displayed on the inbound call window on the Phonebar
Please note: If a call passes through more than one routing block it will always display the label from the last routing block it passed through
For further learning about the Personalised Call Routing Feature visit the