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Release Note V7.0.14
Updated over a week ago

Release Note 7.0.14

Latest updates

Product Team

Written byProduct Team

Last updated 2 hours ago by Product Team

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Minor Fixes

  • Colleagues and Directory not returning contact details on the first launch

  • Icon settings in Phonebar not saving if changes made when not logged into clinical integration

  • Playback speeds for voicemail scrolling off screen

  • The ability to make an outbound call during a video call

  • The ability to file a previously filed photo

  • Connection error retrieving organisation code

โ˜‘๏ธ Other changes

  • The Version number and Launch Consoles actions have been removed from the Application tray and are now only accessible from the Phonebar Settings

  • The ability to right-click to paste a phone number into the Phonebar dialer

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