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Certificates and Credentials
Certificates and Credentials

View the certificates awarded to X-on Health. (Updated 19/07/2023)

Updated over 11 months ago

X-on Health is certified to NHS and government standards

The NHS and British Government set standards to make sure all organisations using health data keep it safe and use it ethically. We make sure Surgery Connect meets these standards

NHS Security Standards

Digital Clinical Safety - DCB0129

Surgery Connect is compliant with DCB0129 and is a clinically safe solution for healthcare organisations to adopt and deploy.

In accordance with DCB 0129 we fully comply with the standard and operate a clinical risk management system that enables us to demonstrate the safety of our digital health products through:

  • a clinical safety case report,

  • a hazard log and

  • a clinical risk management plan.

  • Incident reporting is included to enable proactive and reactive patient safety measures to be in place.

Data Security and Protection Toolkit

All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use the Data Security and Protection Toolkit to publish an assessment against the National Data Guardian’s 10 data security standards. X-on Health have been rating as exceeding the required standards.

Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) Ready

The Digital Technology Assessment Criteria for health and social care (DTAC) gives staff, patients and citizens confidence that the digital health tools they use meet our clinical safety, data protection, technical security, interoperability and usability and accessibility standards.

The DTAC is designed to be used by healthcare organisations to assess suppliers at the point of procurement or as part of a due diligence process, to make sure digital technologies meet our minimum baseline standards. For developers, it sets out what is expected for entry into the NHS and social care.

X-on Health has undergone self-assessment and are DTAC ready. This ensures our solution meets the highest standards for:

  • Clinical safety

  • Data protection

  • Technical assurance

  • Interoperability

  • Usability and accessibility

Security and Privacy Certificates

Cyber Essentials Plus:

X-on Health are delighted to announce they have been awarded the Cyber Essentials Plus certification, cementing our commitment to online security and protection for our customers.

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed and industry-supported scheme that helps businesses protect themselves against the growing threat of cyber-attacks. The certification is designed to provide a statement of the controls an organisation should have in place to mitigate the risk from common cyber threats.

ISO 9001

X-on Health was awarded its ISO9001 certification in 2007.

ISO9001 is an internationally recognised standard for the provision of a quality management system to ensure customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

ISO 27001

X-on Health, has been granted the ISO 27001 certification since 2010. This is the only internationally recognised standard for an information security management system (ISMS)

Achieving and maintaining certification to ISO 27001 demonstrates that X-on Health has implemented security best practice that protects its users and their data in accordance with internationally recognised standards, and strive to continually improve

ISO 22301

X-on Health has been awarded certification in ISO22301, an internationally recognised standard which defines business continuity management and overall risk management ad resilience in a business continuity framework.

ISO 14001

X-on Health has been awarded certification in ISO14001, an internationally recognised standard which defines the standard for environmental management systems.


Crown Commercial Service Supplier

G-Cloud 13 approved

We are delighted that X-on Health has been included as a supplier on the G-Cloud 13 framework

This framework makes procurement of cloud solutions simple for public sector buyers, and gives them access to new and innovative technology that is good value for money

NHS Advanced Telephony Better Purchasing Framework

X-on Health is an approved supplier on the NHS England Advanced Telephony Better Purchasing framework

The Advanced Telephony Better Purchasing framework allows commissioners to procure cloud-based telephone systems from a number of assured telephony suppliers within the Better Purchasing Framework List

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