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Patient Callback

Patient Callback is an alternative way of queuing, reducing patient frustration and saving on call costs.

Updated over a week ago

This guide takes you through the following:

  • What is Patient Callback

  • Setting up Patient Callback in X-flow

    • Accessing Patient Callback

    • Loading your call flow

    • Customising Patient Callback

  • Recognising Patient Callback call on the User Console

  • Patient Callback Report

Step by step guide

What is Patient Callback

Setting up Patient Callback in X-flow

Accessing Patient Callback

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. Or, Navigate to the X-flow Console

  3. Don't forget - if you are already logged into a Surgery Connect console, you can navigate to any other console quickly by using the Menu, next to your initials

  4. Or; Click on the arrow in your toolbar to see the hidden icons

    Right click on the Surgery Connect Logo and select Launch Consoles. This will open up the selected console in a new window for you

  5. X-flow will open to an empty workspace

Loading your call flow

  1. Click Load

  2. Choose the call flow you want to see the details of (Normally your main number)

  3. This will open your chosen call flow

Customising Patient Callback

Within your call flow, any blocks that have an orange banner are Groups, this is where the Patient Callback activation and configuration can be set

  1. To access the activation and configuration options, double click a Group and select the Patient Callback tab

  2. To turn Patient Callback on for the selected Group change the Mode to Voluntary


    Off = Patient Callback inactive

    Voluntary = Choice of Patient Callback offered to caller in queue when the Threshold is met

  3. Set your Threshold

    The Threshold setting defines when the Patient Callback feature is offered. This can be set as required but please be aware -

    The lowest setting is currently 4 this will be reviewed and could possibly changed to improve efficiency of the feature. We recommend 10

    Do not set it too low! You do not want the feature to be offered only for the caller to book a callback, end their call and then receive the callback straight away

    A rough rule is to set it no lower than double the number of staff you have answering the calls (if you have 4 Receptionists, set the threshold to 8 for example)

  4. With the Patient Callback, Properties tab selected, click on Show Advanced

  5. Set the number of callback Attempts (chose a maximum number)

    Once the maximum number of callback attempts have been made, the callback failed SMS will be sent to the patient if possible

  6. Set the Delay time between Callback attempts

  7. Change your Reset Time

    Your reset time is the time that Patient Callbacks will be cancelled from the call group queue

    To do this, think about the time your Group/Surgery closes and allow time (usually an hour) for patients to call in again if callbacks are cancelled automatically

    If you have activated the SMS function, callers who have booked a callback on their mobile phone will receive an SMS if the callback fails (after the maximum number of attempts) or if it is cancelled by the Reset Time

    The caller’s number is then given priority for their next call in and will be brought to the front of the queue if they call again later that day and join the same queue

  8. Activate Send SMS

    To activate SMS sending as part of the Patient Callback feature, choose Yes or No from the Send SMS dropdown

  9. To configure the content of that SMS, edit the text box at the bottom. You have a limit of 160 characters

    The SMS will be sent both when a callback has been through the retry process and has not been answered, and when it is cancelled by the Reset Time setting

  10. When you are happy with your changes, click Save

  11. Your Group will update and you will see that Patient Callback has been activated for that group

  12. When you have made any change to your call flow the undeployed version warning will display, and the Deploy button will now be green

  13. When you are happy with your call flow click on the green Deploy button

  14. You will see the Deploy Call Flow pop up

    Here you can type a description which can help you identify this call flow and any changes you have made

    This is useful if you need to go back to an earlier version of your call flow, for example if you have added in a prompt, which will only be used for a specific time period i.e. a Flu Clinic message

    If you are not ready to deploy the call flow at this point, use the Close button, to return and make further changes

  15. Deploy your call flow. Click on the blue Deploy button

    You will be notified when the call flow has been successfully deployed

  16. The Deploy button at the top right hand side of your workspace will now be grey and the undeployed version warning will have gone

Recognising Patient Callback call on the User Console

You can identify Patient Callback calls through the User Console

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. Or, Navigate to the User Console

  3. Don't forget - if you are already logged into a Surgery Connect console, you can navigate to any other console quickly by using the Menu, next to your initials

  4. Or; Click on the arrow in your toolbar to see the hidden icons

    Right click on the Surgery Connect Logo and select Launch Consoles. This will open up the selected console in a new window for you

  5. With the User Console open, look for the Callback Icon in your call list

  6. To check that a callback has been made search for the identified callback number in the search bar

  7. The example below shows you a Patient Callback requested and made

    8.29 the callback was requested (initial call shows abandoned - this is while it connects to the callback queue)

    8.30 call added to the Patient Callback (callback icon)

    8.31 call reaches the front of the queue and patient is called back by the team member

    Duration - By looking at the duration bar, you can see how long the call was in the queue for (dark red bar)

  8. If a Patient Callback has failed you will see each failed attempt

    in this example, Patient Callback was set to try the caller three times before stopping

Patient Callback Report

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with you NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. To generate a report from the Reports portal go to Reports

  3. Select Group Reports, then Patient Callback from the left hand menu

  4. Choose your Report fields

    1. Single group or multiple groups can be selected

    2. You can generate the report By Day or By Hour

    3. When selecting your date you can use set periods or select a Custom Range

  5. When you are happy with your selection click, Generate Report

  6. The report is generated on your reports screen

  7. You can Export your report as a CSV file

Report Column Name



The report can be by hour, or by day

Calls When Patient Callback Active

Patient Callback only becomes active when your parameters are met - this tell you how many calls your received overall when those parameters were met

Calls Handled by Patient Callback

Patient Callbacks requested (in that hour/day)

Callbacks Made

Patient Callbacks made (in that hour/day)

Callbacks Accepted

Successful callbacks (in that hour/day)

Callbacks Rejected

Callback rejected

Callback Attempts Exceeded

Calllback where the attempts were exceeded - not answered

Queue Timeout

Callback cancelled due to closure times

Callback Reset

Caller Rang Back In

Caller rang back in before callback attempted

Caller Rang Back in - Rejoined Queue

Caller rang back in before callback attempted and re-joined the queue

Caller Rang Back in - Hung Up

Caller rang back in before callback attempted and hung up (stayed in callback queue)

Caller Rang Back in - Cancelled

Caller rang back in before callback attempted and cancelled the callback request

Total time in virtual queue

Total time all calls in that hour/day were in the virtual queue

Avg time in virtual queue

Average time each call in that hour/day was in the virtual queue

Total Time in real queue

Avg time in real queue

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