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Connect to a desk phone - Configuration

If your desk phone is not available you may need to associate it to the PC.

Updated over 2 years ago

I can't select my desk phone as a call device!

When you log in with your clinical integration, you desk phone should log in at the same time. The desk phone attached to that PC may not have been associated. Or it may be associated with an old PC.

If a PC is replaced, you will need to remove the desk phone association before running the integration software set up on the new PC.

Step by step guide

Accessing Associations

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. Navigate to the Configuration Console

  3. To the left of the Configuration Console you will see the menu. Select Integrations

  4. To the right of the menu you will now see your Integrations. Select View Associations

Associating your desk phone

Linking the desk phone and the PC in its physical location allows the clinical system user to log in to the desk phone automatically

  1. Select the Phones tab

  2. A list of Phones and the User and PC they are associated to will appear

  3. To remove any incorrect association click on the red bin icon

  4. The desk phone will now appear in the Unassociated Phones list on the right hand side

  5. At this point you can run the integration software setup on the PC again and the desk phone will be available to associate at that setup in the process

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