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Music Block - Playlists Only

The Music Block will play the default queue music in your playlist.

Updated over a week ago


The Music block will play the default music whilst a caller is in your queue

You can only access them or add them in your Playlists - see our playlist guide

This guide will show you how to add them to your playlist, and how to manage it:

Step by step guide

Accessing Playlists

Playlists are accessed through X-flow when you have loaded a call flow

  1. Navigate to the X-flow console

  2. Load the call flow with the group you want to change

Through the Group Block

  1. Double click on the Group block in your call flow

  2. When the pop up opens click on the Playlist tab. This will show you the current playlist set for this group

Through the Group Behaviour Block

  1. Double click on the Group Behaviour block in your call flow

  2. When the pop up opens click on the Playlist tab. This will show you the current playlist set for this group behaviour

Selecting a Playlist

If you are accessing the playlist through the Group block or the Group Behaviour block, selecting the playlist you want to use or edit is the same

  1. Click to open the dropdown menu

  2. Select the playlist you wish to use for that group, or that you want to edit. The playlist name will now display

  3. Click the Edit Selected Playlist button

  4. Your playlist workspace will open

Adding a Music Block

  1. Drag and drop the Music icon from the menu on the left hand side

    If you would like to change your on hold music, please contact our Support Team

    They have several music lists you can choose from, or you can download royalty free music and provide these files for the Support Team to upload for you

Editing a Music Block

  1. Double click on the Music Block to view its properties

Properties Tab

  • Name - Name your music

  • Description - Describe your music

Audio Tab

  • File - choose the length of time your hold music will play for, before moving to the next block in the playlist

  • Preview - Preview your hold music and the music duration

2. Once you have made any changes, save your music block

Save Warning

The save warning will not change until the whole playlist has been saved

Once the playlist has been saved the warning will display the creation notification and it will also notify you of any changes made


To make the changes you have made to your playlist live you must deploy your call flow

  1. At the top of your call flow you will now see the undeployed version warning

  2. If you are happy - Deploy your call flow to make it live

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