How do I build a call flow? Using a template
With Surgery Connect you can create and change call flows to fit your needs exactly
You are able to change the messages and options given to callers without the need to contact the Service Desk
There are several X-flow templates which can be used as a base to create new call flows
These can be modified and customised in any way you need
This guide will show you how to make a new call flow using a template, and explain the different types of templates available to you;
Add a New Call Flow - Using the Main Surgery Call Flow template
Step by step guide
Accessing Numbers
Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password
Select the Service Delivery Console
Navigate to the Numbers tab of the Service Delivery Console
The Numbers table will open
Add a New Call Flow
Select the + Add New Call Flow button
You will be asked to choose the number you want to use for the call flow, the name of your call flow, and if you want to use a template
To create an empty/completely editable call flow, complete the Name Field and Choose the Empty Call Flow Template
Or, Select your template
When selected, each template will give a preview
For this example we will be using the Main Surgery Call Flow template
For a full description of each of these templates see our guide on Call Flow Templates
You will be asked to choose your Calendar and Groups, from those created previously
Remember: You can make any changes required once you are in X-flow
Save the Call Flow
You will see a green Success message at the top of your screen when your new call flow has been created
A red Failed message will show if there is something that has not been entered correctly
Your new call flow will be displayed, you can edit it from here, or you can load it from the X-flow Console
Loading your New Call Flow
Your new call flow will now be in the Numbers table
Search by the name you saved your new call flow as
Once you have found the correct Call Flow you can edit it through Options
Your new Empty Call Flow will open up in X-flow, ready for you to create/edit
See our further X-flow guides
Edit your call flow
This template will create a Welcome Prompt, your Mode Switch (looking at the calendar you selected), a prompt for each of the standard calendar modes, a standard Menu, and a group flow for each of the Groups you have selected
Each block’s properties can be checked and edited, and blocks can be added or deleted as necessary, to create the call flow that is perfect for your practice
For a full description of how to add or edit blocks, see our further Blocks and their properties guides
Call Flow Templates
DDI Call Flow
This can be used to set up a call flow for a Direct Dial number for a particular person
When you have selected your User, it will automatically Name the call flow and set the selected Direct Dial Number
Once you have saved your call flow, you can edit it as required
In this example you may want to add a prompt or voicemail option before the hang up
Departmental (No Appointments) Call Flow
This can be used when you have no menu options in your call flow but want to use the No Appointments calendar mode
You can select the Calendar to check and the Group that answers the calls
Departmental Call Flow
This template can be used when you have no menu options in your call flow and no need for the No Appointments calendar mode/message
Empty Call Flow
A completely empty call flow, for you to design your own from scratch
Main Surgery Call Flow
This can be used when you have menu choices in your call flow
The defaults are set at 1 - Appointments, 2 - Prescriptions, 3 - Reception. All defaults can be changed in the Properties of the block once the call flow is created
Simple Group Call Flow
This template can be used to direct calls straight to a Group, usually used for Group Short Dials or external Direct Dial numbers for a particular team
Group Call Priorities: The way that group calls are distributed can be changed via the Configuration Console
Coming soon! - EMIS Only
Please keep an eye on our Socials and Monthly Newsletter for the release date
Dedicated Check and Cancel Phone Line
This can be used to set up a call flow for a Direct Dial number for a Check and Cancel phone line
Main Surgery Call Flow - Check and Cancel
This can be used when you have menu choices in your call flow and would like Check and Cancel as one of those menu choices
#xflow, #callflow, #templates