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Feature Reports

Reports designed to identify where your clinical integration has been used

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Feature Reports

Feature Reports allow you to run reports on Surgery Connect feature usage

Check and Cancel Report

The Check and Cancel report is auto-generated with the date range set to 7 days

You can run a detailed report for a specific period using a Date Selector and then Generate Report button

The entire report will look like this:

The report is split into sections with headline figures for both the Patient ID and Check and Cancel blocks, Activity Overview and Call by Call Activity

The Patient Identification Block Overview

Here you can see how many callers have entered the Patient Identifier block and what the overall outcome was of all of those calls, within your date parameters:

  • Callers Entering Block

  • Unique Callers

  • Exited Through "Identified"

  • Exited Through "Not Identified"

  • Hung up before Output

The Check and Cancel Block Overview

Here you can see how many callers have entered the Check and Cancel block and what the overall outcome was of all of those calls, within your date parameters:

  • Callers Entering Block

  • Unique Callers

  • Exited Through "Success"

  • Exited Through "No Appointments"

  • Exited Through "Fail"

  • Hung up before Output

Activity Overview

The Activity Overview is shown in a table for each block, both showing the result of callers passing through

The rows will show 0 if there was no activity in that area

There is an icon next to the title of these areas, when hovered (or clicked) it will show a description

Call by Call Activity

Details on a call by call basis so users can pin point individual calls or patients to see the activity they have experienced

The data is presented as a progress graph from left to right, with the row highlighted to the point the caller got to

There is a search box allowing you to search for a specific telephone number

The only column that can be sorted in the Call by Call Activity table is the Date Time column, you can only sort it into ascending or descending order

You can export the entire table as a CSV file

Please see our SMS Guide on which SMS are chargeable and the charge costs

Queue Position Webpage Report

You can run a detailed report for a specific period using a Date Selector and then Generate Report button

There will be a “Showing X to X of X entries” overview at the bottom left of the table and pagination to the bottom right

The URL Activity section will show how many clicks each of your embedded links received which will help you understand which links your patients are most interested in

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