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Call Reports - Overview

Reports designed to examine you call data.

Updated over a week ago

What can Call Reports tell me?

You will receive many calls into your service, most will make it through to your staff, but many wont. Knowing where all of your calls come in and what happened to them gives you a full picture of all inbound activity.

Inbound Call Performance

  • Run over specified time period, 1 day upwards

  • Run for individual inbound telephone numbers (or all, at the same time)

  • Set the "answered within" time

  • Data can be viewed by date or by hour

Report by day

Report by hour

Inbound Call Stats

  • Run over specified time period, 1 day upwards

  • Run for individual inbound telephone numbers or all service at once

  • Data can be viewed by day or by hour

  • Graph showing total calls and concurrency of calls

  • Tabular data broken down by the selected parameter

Inbound Number Overview

  • Run over specified time period, 1 day upwards

  • Shows all inbound numbers on your service that have received a call

  • Tabular Data per telephone number

  • Pie chart with percentage of calls per number

Menu Selection Report

  • Run over specified tie period, 1 day upwards

  • Breaks each patient choice menu down showing all options chosen

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