CLI Numbers
The CLI is the number displayed when making an outbound call
Some surgeries have multiple numbers and can offer a list of CLIs to choose from to display from the Phonebar menu when making outbound calls
CLI numbers are set at a Global level however, users can be further restricted in which numbers they can choose to display. This restriction is useful when there are multiple departments but the user only ever works for one or two departments, it saves them from scrolling through a list of numbers and potentially using a number unrecognised by the call recipient
The Global CLI Management is managed in the Service Delivery Console, under the Numbers tab
The User level is managed in the Service Delivery Console, under the User tab, edit each User individually as required
See our Guide on CLI Management here
Service Delivery Console - Numbers
To set which numbers all users can choose to display, from the Phonebar settings menu, access the Service Delivery Console and select the Numbers tab
The CLI numbers for the service are managed via the CLI Management button
At a Global level, surgeries can choose which numbers are to be visible on outbound calls and these will appear in the Phonebar menu for users to select from
The minus icon is shown against numbers that are visible and selectable by users, allowing supervisors to click the minus to remove them from the visible list
The plus icon is shown next to the CLIs that have not been selected to appear in the list of CLIs users can see. Clicking the plus icon will add the CLI to the visible list
Service Delivery Console - Users
To set which numbers individual users can choose to display, from the Phonebar settings menu, access the Service Delivery Console and select the Users tab
Select user, edit, select CLI Management
Use the + and - icons to add or remove CLI numbers the user can choose to dial our from in the CLI Menu
The minus icon is shown against numbers that are visible and selectable by users, allowing supervisors to click the minus to remove them from the visible list
The plus icon is shown next to the CLIs that have not been selected to appear in the list of CLIs users can see. Clicking the plus icon will add the CLI to the visible list
Save User