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Users and Groups

An in-depth look at the Service Delivery Console - Users and Groups

Updated over 10 months ago

This guide takes you through the following:

NOTE: There has been a slight change in how you edit your Users in the Service Delivery Console since the webinar was recorded - please follow the steps in this guide

Step by step guide

Accessing the Service Delivery Console

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. Select the Service Delivery Console

  3. Don't forget - if you are already logged into a Surgery Connect console, you can navigate to any other console quickly by using the Menu, next to your initials

  4. Or; Click on the arrow in your toolbar to see the hidden icons

    Right click on the Surgery Connect Logo and select Launch Consoles. This will open up the selected console in a new window for you

Accessing the User List

  1. Once you have opened up the Service Delivery Console, select Users from the tabs across the top

  2. This will open up the User List where you will see all of the Users that have been created for your surgery

Editing Users

  1. Click the blue Edit button in the row of the User you want to change

  2. The Edit User window will open

    In the User Details tab you can change the User’s Name, Email address, Short Dial or Role (User Permission Level)

  3. Click the Save User button to save the changes, or the grey cancel button to stop editing the user

You will see a green Success, a red Error or a yellow Warning message at the top of the screen

Any issues will be detailed in the Warning or Error pop ups

Correct any errors in the User table and click the tick to save

Adding Users

  1. Click the Add New User button

  2. Complete the required fields in the Add New User window User Details tab

    You do not have to add a User short dial at this stage, it can be added once the User is created. You need to check what the next available number is first

    See our guide on short dial numbers

  3. Voicemail can be set as ‘Off’ when setting up Users, and can then be added to the call flow using X-flow

    For full details on call flows, see our guides on X-flow, or our short guide on adding User Voicemail

  4. Click on the Advanced Settings tab and select your CLI for that user

    A CLI is the number displayed to the recipient when making outbound calls

    You can allocate a specific CLI or withhold a number on a user basis when adding a new user

    For full information on CLI settings see our CLI Settings guide

  5. In the CLI Management tab select which CLIs the user can select via the Phonebar settings

  6. Clicking the green plus adds numbers to the user so they can select them via the Phonebar

  7. Clicking the red minus removes numbers so they are not visible to the user

  8. Save User

  9. Once you have completed your User fields you have three options


Close the pop up without saving any details

Save User

Saves the details entered into the User table and creates the User on Surgery Connect

The initial email can then be sent from the Options

Save User and Notify

Saves the details entered into the User table, creates the User and sends the initial email to the User to set the password and access Surgery Connect

You can also upload multiple users in one go - see our guide Adding Users in Bulk

NOTE: Sorting your users by the short dial will help you identify the highest short dial number currently being used, which can help you choose the next short dial number for a new User

Accessing the Groups List

  1. Once you have opened up the Service Delivery Console, select Groups from the tabs across the top

  2. This will open up the Groups list where you will see all of the Groups that have been created for your surgery

Editing Groups

  1. Click the Edit button in the row of the Group you want to change

  2. You can now edit the Group Name and the Group Short Dial number

    Click in the Group Name box and type to change the name

    Click in the Short Dial box and type the new short dial number

  3. Click the tick in the green button to save the changes, or the grey cancel button to stop editing the group

You will see a green Success, a red Error or a yellow Warning message at the top of the screen

Any issues will be detailed in the Warning or Error pop ups

Correct any errors in the User table and click the tick to save

Adding Group Members

  1. Click the Edit button in the row of the Group you want to change

  2. To add a new member to the Group, click the drop-down arrow to see a list of Users that aren’t already members of the Group

    Either select from the list, or start typing the name into the Members area to reduce the available Users list

  3. Click the tick in the green button to save the changes, or the grey cancel button to stop editing the user

You will see a green Success, a red Error or a yellow Warning message at the top of the screen

Any issues will be detailed in the Warning or Error pop ups

Correct any errors in the User table and click the tick to save

Copying Group Members

If you have the same Users answering different types of calls, the Users can be copied from another Group.

  1. In the Group you want to copy the members into, click the Copy Group Members button

  2. From the drop-down list, select the Group to copy the members from

    The Group members will then be copied into the new Group, replacing any Users that were already members

  3. Click the tick in the green button to save the changes, or the grey cancel button to stop editing the user

You will see a green Success, a red Error or a yellow Warning message at the top of the screen

Any issues will be detailed in the Warning or Error pop ups

Correct any errors in the User table and click the tick to save

Removing Group Members

  1. Click the Edit button in the row of the Group you want to change

  2. To remove a User from the Group, click the red cross next to the User’s name in the Members area

    The User will be removed from the Group and will show in the available Users drop-down list

  3. Click the tick in the green button to save the changes, or the grey cancel button to stop editing the user

You will see a green Success, a red Error or a yellow Warning message at the top of the screen

Any issues will be detailed in the Warning or Error pop ups

Correct any errors in the User table and click the tick to save

Groups can only be deleted through the Configuration Console, see our guide on Deleting Groups

Adding Groups

  1. Click the Add New Group button

  2. Complete the required information in the Add New Group pop up window

    You do not need to allocate a Short Dial or populate members at this point

    You can save the Group with just a name and Edit the details in the table

  3. Click Save Group to create the Group

  4. Cancel will close the window without making any changes

You will see a green Success, a red Error or a yellow Warning message at the top of the screen.

Any issues will be detailed in the Warning or Error pop ups.

Correct any errors in the Group table and click the tick to save.

Once you have created your Groups you can add them to your call flows. See our guides on X-flow

Customising Users and Groups

You can customise the default settings for your Users and Groups through the Configuration Console

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. Select the Configuration Console

    Supervisors can use the Configuration Console to change the standard configuration of Groups, Extensions, Voicemail, edit Users, Calendars and the Directory and much more

  3. Don't forget - if you are already logged into a Surgery Connect console, you can navigate to any other console quickly by using the Menu, next to your initials

  4. Or; Click on the arrow in your toolbar to see the hidden icons

    Right click on the Surgery Connect Logo and select Launch Consoles. This will open up the selected console in a new window for you

Customising Users

  1. Select Users from the menu on the left hand side or from the dashboard

  2. The Users list will open, you can search for a User or you can scroll through the User List. To edit your User click on the edit button

  3. The Editing user window will open

    In the General tab you find the User's PIN for Surgery Connect Voicemail (Authentication PIN) or reset their Surgery Connect password

In the Numbers tab, you can add a personal number to the Users profile so that calls can be made and received on their own device

See our further guides for other changes you can make to the User Profile:

Customising Groups

  1. Select Groups from the menu on the left hand side or from the dashboard

  2. The Groups list will open, you can search for a Group or you can scroll through the Groups List. To edit your Group click on the edit button

  3. The Editing group window will open

See our further guides for all of the changes you can make to your Groups:

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