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Group Queue Settings

You can adjust the maximum group queue length and maximum group queue time by editing your group in the Configuration Console.

Updated over 2 years ago

How do I change my Group queue settings?

You can set each groups behaviour setting individually by editing the group. Using the Options tab you can change the maximum group queue length and how long a person may queue in that group for.

Max queue length (Default = 100 calls) After a queue reaches its max length any other calls will play the Fail prompt and then divert the call to the Next action after fail

Max time in queue (Default = 7200 secs) Exceeding the max queue time will play the Fail prompt and then divert the call to the Next action after fail.

Note: Theses changes can take up to 4 hours to become live.

Step by step guide

Accessing Groups

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. Navigate to the Configuration Console

  3. Select the Groups from the menu on the left hand side

  4. You can use the search box to find the Group you want to amend

  5. Click the pen icon on the required Group to edit the settings

Changing the maximum queue length

  1. Once you have opened the group you would like to edit select the Options Tab

  2. Change the maximum queue length by selecting the number from the drop down

  3. Click Save

  4. You will be notified when the changes have been saved

Changing the maximum time in the queue

  1. Once you have opened the group you would like to edit select the Options Tab

  2. Change the maximum queue time by using the scrollers to the right hand side, or typing directly into the box

  3. Click Save

  4. You will be notified when the changed have been saved

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