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Auto Step In - Group Management

Auto Step In increases Users in Groups to assist during busy periods. Set Auto Step In Users and parameters via the Configuration Console.

Updated over a week ago

What is Auto Step In?

Groups can get very busy at different times. A User can manage their own Groups (tick in/out) via their User Profile. But Auto Step In can be used to add additional members to Groups when certain parameters are met. (Over 10 calls queuing, or over a set queue time - for example).

This means that the number of Users available to take calls for that Group can be increased automatically when they are needed, and once the queue has gone down, they will be automatically removed from the Group.

  • Adding a User to a group with Auto Step In

  • Removing Auto Step in from a User

Step by step guide

Adding Auto Step In

Navigate to the Configuration Console

Select the Groups from the menu on the left hand side

You can use the search box to find the Group you want to amend

Click the pen icon on the required Group to edit the settings

Click on the Members tab

You will see two lists

Auto Step In Members will be the top list. This will be empty if you have not activated any Auto Step In Members yet

Members will show you who you have added to the group and who you can still add

Choose the User you would like to activate Auto Step in for and click on the green arrow

Note: The User does not need to be a member of the Group already

The User will move up to the Auto Step In list, and they will show in red until you have set the parameters

You can set different parameters for each Auto Step In member so that Surgery Connect adds Users in a particular order and you can use either, or both of the parameters, for each User

If you enter both parameters, Surgery Connect will step the User in when either parameter is met

Queue Length before Step In - set how long the queue needs to be before this member is automatically made active to answer calls

Queue Wait before Step In - set how long callers are waiting in the queue before this member is automatically made active to answer calls

When the queue drops below the levels you have set, the member will automatically be stepped out of the Group again, so will not be active to answer calls until the queue builds

Click Save

Removing Auto Step In

Navigate to the Configuration Console

Select the Groups from the menu on the left hand side

You can use the search box to find the Group you want to amend

Click the pen icon on the required Group to edit the settings

Choose the User you would like to remove Auto Step In for and click on the red arrow

The User will move down to the Members list, but will stay in the Group as an inactive member

You can remove them from the Group completely by toggling their member status off

Or, you can keep them in the Group and make them an Active member

Note: Users can make themselves Active or Inactive in a Group through their User Profile. Please see our guide on Group Management in the User Console

Click Save

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