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Managing Members

Users and Groups can be assigned to specific extensions. This helps them log in quickly or restricts that extension to named users only.

Updated over 2 years ago

How do I add a User to a deskphone?

Users and Groups can be added to specific deskphones/extensions. If you add a User or a Group to an extension, their name will become available when they press the Login button on that deskphone.

This means they will not have to do the more manual search on logging in to that deskphone. However it does restrict that deskphone to the named Users or Groups only.

If you remove all Users and Groups the entire organisation will be available for login.

Step by step guide

Accessing Extensions

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. Navigate to the Configuration Console

  3. To the left of the Configuration Console you will see the menu. Select Extensions

  4. To the right of the menu you will now see a full list of your named extensions (desk phones)

Finding your deskphone/extension

  1. The extensions will be listed alphabetically, scroll down the screen until you find the extension you are looking for, or type into the search bar

  2. Click on the edit button to open all of the configurable aspects you have for that extension

Manage Members

  1. With your extension open in edit, click on the Manage Members tab

  2. If members are already added to that extension their name (group name) will appear in the list on the left hand side. If there are no members the left hand side will be empty, (as below)

  3. To add members click and drag the User or Group from the right hand side, and drop into the left hand side

    To remove members, click and drag from the left hand side and drop into the right hand side.

  4. When you are happy with your changes Save

Note: Anything over 23 members on the handset members list and Users will need to use the search function as the list will disappear

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