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Setting up a Direct Dial Number

You can use external (inbound) numbers to set up a Direct Dial number for a User or Group.

Updated over 2 years ago

How to set up a Direct Dial Number and its associated Call Flow

You can manage all of your numbers through the Service Delivery Console. Each external (inbound) number will need an associated call flow, you can use these numbers to set up Direct Dial call flows to specific Users, or Groups.

Step by step guide

Accessing Numbers

  1. Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password

  2. Select the Service Delivery Console

  3. Click on the Numbers tab

  4. When you access the list of Numbers you will see this table

    For a brief introduction, see our Numbers Overview guide

Identifying Unassigned Numbers

Services sometimes have spare or unassigned inbound numbers

These can be kept in the list and not used or they can be assigned to a user as a DDI or a group of users, you can even create a new group and have a direct line to the group such as an Emergency Bypass Team or Management Team

If you want to add more Inbound numbers to your service you will need to make a request to [email protected]

  1. Click on the Unassigned Number filter

    Your unassigned number will now display in the table - you can edit them through Options

Assign a number

  1. To assign a spare number click the edit icon

  2. An Add a new Call Flow window will open

    The number will be automatically populated

  3. Name the telephone number descriptively, so it is easy to identify in your Numbers List and in your Call Flows

  4. Choose the DDI Call Flow from the drop down list of templates

  5. Once chosen your template will display

  6. Select which calendar you want the number and the call flow to use from the drop down

  7. Select which User you want the number to go to from the drop down

  8. Save Call Flow, this will now associate the number to a call flow, which you can edit via X-flow

    If your call flow was saved successfully you will see this notification in the top right hand corner of your screen

    If there was a problem with your call flow you will be notified and it will not save

DDI Call Flow

Your number will now show as assigned to a User in the Numbers Table

  1. Click on the Edit button in the Options column

  2. This will open up the call flow assigned to that number, in X-flow

    You will see that the standard DDI Call Flow has been created for you, this includes;

Adding a Voicemail

You can add a Voicemail Block to the call flow so that when the User is busy or does not answer the call, the caller can leave a voicemail

  1. Drag and drop the User Voicemail icon onto the workspace

  2. Select the user you are building the DDI Call flow for

  3. Remove the Hang Up (delete)

  4. Connect Busy and No Answer to the Voicemail Block

  5. Auto Arrange the Call Flow

Divert Busy/No Answer to a User

You can add another User Block to the call flow so that when the User is busy or does not answer the call, the caller will be diverted to another User

  1. Delete the current hang up

  2. Drag and drop the User Icon onto the workspace

  3. Connect the User Block to Busy and No Answer

  4. Drag and drop the Hang up icon on to the workspace

  5. Auto Arrange the call flow

  6. Change the whisper to the divert User

    Double click on the New Whisper block to open the Whisper properties

    Rename the Whisper - remember the Whisper is what the User will hear when they answer the call, so a good descriptive name is the key here

Divert Busy/No Answer to a Group

You can add a Group Block to the call flow so that when the User is busy or does not answer the call, the caller will be diverted to Group

  1. Delete the current hang up

  2. Drag and drop the Group Icon onto the workspace

  3. Connect the Group Block to Busy and No Answer

  4. Drag and drop the Hang up icon on to the the workspace

  5. Auto Arrange the call flow

  6. Change the whisper to the diverted call group

    Double click on the New Whisper block to open the Whisper properties

    Rename the Whisper - remember the Whisper is what the User will hear when they answer the call, so a good descriptive name is the key here

  7. Change the prompt for the failure/timeout of the diverted call group

    Click on the audio tab in the prompt properties to input your prompt message

Deploying the call flow

When you are happy with your DDI Call Flow you will need to deploy it before it goes live.

Saving the changes in a block does not make those changes live in your call flow until you have deployed it.

  1. Make any required changes to your call flow, saving each edited block as you go.

    When you have made any change to your call flow you will see the undeployed version warning will display, and the Deploy button will now be green

  2. Test your call flow!

    You can test how you call flow works and sounds, and check any changes you have made by using the test number

    See our guides on Testing my call flow

  3. When you are happy with your call flow click on the green Deploy button

    You will see the Deploy Call Flow pop up

    Here you can type a description which can help you identify this call flow and any changes you have made

    This is useful if you need to go back to an earlier version of your call flow, for example if you have added in a prompt, which will only be used for a specific time period i.e. a Flu Clinic message

    If you are not ready to deploy the call flow at this point, use the Close button, to return and make further changes

  4. Deploy your call flow. Click on the blue Deploy button

    You will be notified when the call flow has been successfully deployed

  5. The Deploy button at the top right hand side of your workspace will now be grey and the undeployed version warning will have gone

DDI Call Flow Examples

Standard DDI Call Flow

DDI Call Flow with Voicemail

DDI Call Flow with User Divert

DDI Call Flow with User Divert and Voicemail

DDI Call Flow with Group Divert

DDI Call Flow with Group Divert and Voicemail

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