How do I listen to my Voicemail Messages?
If using voicemail there are a number of different ways of retrieving messages.
This guide will take you through the different ways you can access your User or Group voicemail messages
Email Notification
Voicemail can be configured to send a notification to a User or Group via email - see our Configuring Voicemail guide
You will receive an email notification that a voicemail has been left for either your Direct Dial or Group voicemail - Open the email
User Voicemail Notification
Group Voicemail Notification
At the bottom of the email you will see the voicemail attached as an audio file
You can download it or click on it to listen to the message
Any phone
If your firewall blocks the attached audio message file sent in your notification email, you can listen to the message from any phone by calling the number in the email
You will need to enter the Service ID and User ID when requested
You will also be asked to enter your Pin - if you do not know what this is, see our User Voicemail PIN guide
Via the Phonebar
Voicemails can be accessed via the Phonebar in the Communications Window Voicemail tab. This area is split into two tabs; User and Group voicemails. New voicemails are indicated by an orange notification dot
The Search box allows you to search for Voicemails by Name, Number and group Voicemail box (if on Group view)
Selecting a message highlights it in blue, and displays the following information on the right hand display:
Name/Number of the individual leaving the voicemail
The Date and Time that the voicemail was left
Duration of the Voicemail
The Group Voicemail box that the message has been left in (only applies to Group voicemails)
A media player is also displayed which allows you to pause and resume the message and adjust the volume levels
The option to Delete and Save individual voicemails is also displayed on the right. Saved Voicemails are indicated by the Saved icon to the right of the message
For more information, see our Communications Window guide here
Desk Phone
Voicemail can be configured to send a notification to a User or Group via email. If your firewall blocks the attached audio message file, you can also listen to the message via your desk phone
Click on the message button on your desk phone
You will also be asked to enter your Pin - if you do not know what this is, see our User Voicemail PIN guide
SSO - Voicemail
Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password
Navigate to the Voicemail Console
The Voicemail table will open
The Mailbox will show your User voicemail messages and any messages for Groups you are in
The Date and Time the voicemail was received will be displayed, and whether the message is new or has been saved
If a message has already been listed to, this is indicated by a green tick
Via the Actions buttons, you can choose to Play, Download, Save and Delete messages
User Console
Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password and navigate to the User Console
Voicemails can be accessed via the User Console by clicking on the Voicemail button in the Top Right. New Voicemails are indicated by an orange notification dot
Clicking this button opens a dedicated Voicemail view. New voicemails are indicated by the orange notification dot
By using the Search bar, you can search for voicemails by Caller (either number or name) and Mailbox. Voicemails can also be filtered to show either Personal or Group messages
Voicemails can be Played, Downloaded, Saved and Deleted via the icons to the right of each message. If a message has been saved, the icon appears in block colour
By using the tick boxes to the right of messages, you can Save and Delete multiple voicemails in bulk