Can I get notified of a service disruption?
In the event of a disruption to service, customers can now add recipients to receive system notifications via the Support Portal
Notifications can be received via SMS and/or email as desired
Recipients need not have an SSO login meaning that IT leads and ICB members can be notified directly about a particular surgery
Step by step guide
Accessing the Support Portal
Log in to Surgery Connect - - with your NHS email address and Surgery Connect password
Select the Support Portal
Don't forget - if you are already logged into a Surgery Connect console, you can navigate to any other console quickly by using the Menu, next to your initials
Or; Click on the arrow in your toolbar to see the hidden icons
Right click on the Surgery Connect Logo and select Launch Consoles. This will open up the selected console in a new window for you
Click on Still Need Help? to access the Support Portal
You will be asked to log in using your NHS email and Surgery Connect password
Status Notification
Once you have accessed the Support Portal navigate to the Status Notifications page
Here you will see the list of contacts already added for notifications
You can edit these contacts by using the Edit icon
Or; Quickly change how they receive notifications by activating them with a tick
Adding a New Contact
Select Add New Contact
A window will open where you can complete all of the required contact details
NOTE: It is okay to use non NHS emails address and personal mobile numbers as these details cannot be seen outside this screen.
Select Email and SMS notifications, or both, as desired
Save Contact
You can now edit them in the list if required