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Customising Voicemail

The voicemail feature has a standard message, which can not be changed, this article explains how you can add customisation to it

Updated over a year ago

Changing the standard voicemail message

Using voicemail is a choice and if using it it is advisable that the voicemail greeting informs patients that a message should not be left in the case of a medical emergency

This guide will show you how to add customisation to the standard voicemail message

Step by step guide

Recording a voicemail message

  1. Call the number on the Voicemail Notification email - when asked you will need to input the Service ID and User ID (also in the email)

  2. Enter your voicemail pin - see out Voicemail Pin guide

  3. You will be given the option to re-record your message once you have saved this, that is the message that will be played to any caller

Adding prompts - via X-flow

Once you have added voicemail to a User or a Group you can add an information prompt before the standard voicemail message - see our Configuring Voicemail guide

This can be to add clinical safety information, or opening times of specific groups for example

User DDI with voicemail

User DDI with voicemail and information prompt

Group with voicemail

Group with voicemail and information prompt

Adding Prompt Block

  1. Drag and drop the Prompt icon onto the X-flow workspace

    Your Prompt block will be created in your workspace

    This will automatically include a Hang Up block, but this can be deleted if not required

Editing a Prompt Block

  1. Double click on the Prompt Block to open up the editable properties

Properties Tab

  1. Name - Change the name of the prompt to make it more descriptive

  2. Description - Set a description for the prompt

  3. Can Interrupt - Set if the caller can press a button on their phone and skip this message (Can Interrupt)

    You will want to set this to β€˜No’ on most prompts so that the caller has to listen to the whole prompt

Audio Tab

  1. Prompt Audio Source - Select Text to Speech or upload your own pre-recorded audio file (MP3)

    Uploaded File

    Select Choose file to upload an MP3 recording for your audio message. You will receive the following messages upon file upload, you can then preview your message

    If the audio file failed to upload you will receive the following warning message

    Check the file you have uploaded by pressing play

    The Playbar will display the length of the prompt (in seconds). You can change the Volume of the playback by clicking on the speaker icon and dragging the volume slider.

    There are three dots at the end of the Playbar playback, click on these to access further preview options; Download the prompt or change the playback speed

    Note: Changing the Playback Volume or Speed only affects the playback, not the volume and speed of the prompt when heard by the callers

    Text to Speech

    Select Text to Speech

    You will now be able to choose a Prompt Voice and type your message directly into the Prompt Text - no need for a recording.

    The Tabs at the top of the Prompt Text box can be used to emphasise certain words or phrases, to add in pauses to give the caller time to absorb the information given, to change the volume or speed of delivery of the message or to have numbers read out in a particular way

    For full details on how to use Text to Speech, and to listen to the voices available, see our Text to Speech guide

    You can listen to your message by clicking on Preview

    Or, by pressing play

    The Playbar will display the length of the prompt (in seconds). You can change the Volume of the playback by clicking on the speaker icon and dragging the volume slider.

    There are three dots at the end of the Playbar playback, click on these to access further preview options; Download the prompt or change the playback speed

    Note: Changing the Playback Volume or Speed only affects the playback, not the volume and speed of the prompt when heard by the callers

  2. Click Save

    Any changes you have made to your Prompt Block will be saved

Connecting the prompt block

Once you have created your prompt and edited the audio you need to connect it to your User or Group call flow

  1. Delete the connection between the User/Group and the Voicemail block, and the hang up on the new Prompt Block

  2. Connect the Timeout/Fail (Group) - Busy/No Answer (User) to the Prompt Block

  3. Auto Arrange your call flow


  1. At the top of your call flow you will now see the undeployed version warning

  2. If you are happy with your Prompt Block/Call Flow - Deploy your call flow to make it live

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