How do find and listen to a call recording?
If you are searching for a call that has been completed in the last 24 hours (00:00 - 23:59), you can use the search and filter functions on the live view of your call list in the User Console
Step by step guides
Search by name or number
Click on the magnifying glass icon to open the Search Calls function. You can search the call list by external numbers, internal short dials and names stored within your internal and external directories
Type the name or number you are looking for in the Search box. Any calls (both inbound and outbound) from the last 24 hours will then show in the Call List for this search result. From here, you can identify the calls recording(s) that you wish to listen to
Don't forget: Clear your search after you have found your call recording to return your Call List to the Active View
Search by Filter
Click on the Filter icon to open the search call function. You can filter the call list by one or more filters, to find specific call recordings with greater ease
To do this, simply click on the Filter(s) you wish to apply. Once selected, the Filter is highlighted in blue. Clicking on this again removes the Filter and turns the icon back to grey, and hides any affected calls from the call list
Available Filters:
You can choose to view Current Calls (calls that are in progress at the time of viewing) or calls that have Ended. Please note you can only select one of these filters at any one time
By selecting Inbound or Outbound calls, you can filter to show calls that are made from either inside or outside of your site. Please note, only one of these filters can be selected at any time
You can also filter to Internal calls (calls made between internal Users), External Calls (calls involving a number outside of your Service) and Withheld numbers. Please note, only one of these filters can be selected at any time
Filters for Answered calls, calls that were missed or had no answer, abandoned calls and voicemail calls can also be applied. You can select multiple of these filters at the same time
All calls in your set time period and chosen filters will then be displayed in the call list
Don't forget: Clear your search after you have found your call recording to return your Call List to the Active View
Play call recording
Click on the Play Recording icon to open up the Conversation Recording view
From here, you can play and pause and adjust the volume of the conversation recording. You can also Delete the recording or Download it to your computer
If you choose to delete the call recording, you will be asked to provide a reason for the deletion. Enter your reason and click Confirm to complete the deletion of the recording. This reason is stored by Surgery Connect
Please note: only Supervisors can delete call recordings
If you need to view the reasons for a call being deleted, our Support Team can assist with providing you with a deletion log