How it works
Surgery Connect allows your Users to log in to any device, either within the practice or remotely to make and receive calls
No matter which device you are using, so long as you are logged in, Surgery Connect will know it’s you and calls will come to and from your number. Supervisors can add new Users, change details for existing Users or delete Users who have left
When you access the list of Users, you will see the following table:
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What are you looking for?
Users Functions - Add, Import and Export
User Functions
New Users can be added individually, or uploaded in bulk using a template
Click the Add New User button to add Users individually. Anyone who needs to make and receive calls on Surgery Connect will need to be added as a User
Click the Import Users button to add Users in bulk. This can be used when first setting up the practice on Surgery Connect with a template to ensure all of your Users are added
Click the Export Users button to download the list of Users and their name and short dial number into a CSV file. This can be opened in any spreadsheet program to produce a list of internal short dial numbers if a paper copy is required
Search Users
You can use the search box to quickly find one of your Users either by name or short dial number.
User List
The data in the table can be sorted by clicking on the column header to sort by that column (for example, click on the Short Dial column header to sort by numerical order and see the highest allocated User Short Dial number.)
Name | User’s name |
Usually the User’s NHS email address, although any email address can be used
This will be the email used as their Username when logging in to Surgery Connect | |
Short Dial | The number allocated as the User’s internal contact number
Numbers are allocated to people rather than phones in the practice so that you can contact a User on their Internal Short Dial even if they are working remotely |
Permissions | The level of access in Surgery Connect
From here, the ability to access call recordings and Patient images and send SMS can be turned On or Off at a User level via the tickboxes - see below for more information
See the Permission Levels guide |
Logged In | Shows if the User has set a password for Surgery Connect
This does not mean they are currently logged in (Users’ login status can be seen in the User Console) |
EMIS Username | This will show the EMIS User Name associated with this User so that logging in can be automated through the Integration software
SystmOne Users will find this in the Configuration Console, under Integrations |
User Permissions
You can change the following permissions for individual Users via the tick boxes in the Users tab. Please note that these are all turned on as default
Call Recording Permission:
When this box is ticked, the individual User will have access to all Call Recordings, Including calls they were not involved in. by unticking this box, you remove the ability to listen to call recordings for calls the User was not an active participant of
SMS Permission:
When this box is ticked, the User will have the ability to send chargeable SMS from the Surgery Connect system. By unticking this box, this ability is removed
Photo Permission:
When this box is ticked, the individual User will have access to all photos received, including those that were not sent to them directly. By unticking this box, you remove the ability to access photos that they were not the recipient of
Click the Save User button to save the changes, or the grey cancel button to stop editing the User
Successful changes will be indicated by a green Success popup
If the changes are unsuccessful, the reason will be displayed in a red error popup. You will need to correct any errors before you can save these changes
User Options
Click the pen icon to change any of the information in the table for that User
Password Reset Email
Click this icon to send out the initial email to set the password and access Surgery Connect
Passwords can be reset by Users from the dropdown menu from the Single Sign On login screen (, by selecting Manage Account or by a Supervisor sending a password reset email from the Configuration Console
See our Password Email Guide here
Clicking the delete icon removes the User from Surgery Connect
See our Deleting or Archiving Users Guide here
At the bottom of the table, you can change the number of rows shown per page and select other pages
See our In Call Features - Softphone Guide here