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Numbers and Device Management

You can change which device you are using to make and receive surgery calls through the User Profile

Updated over a month ago

How do I change my call device?

Surgery Connect contacts Users, rather than physical phone locations, so your User Short dial will stay the same no matter where you are logged in to Surgery Connect. This means that calls to your short dial will ring through to wherever you are logged in, whether that is on a physical handset or Softphone, or even when working off site

Clicking your initials in the top right hand corner of the User Console will display your available Devices and Numbers

Your standard devices will be the desk phone (connected to whichever PC you are logged into) and your Softphone

Supervisors can add additional devices for you, for example a mobile or home number, if requested

For more information on adding a personal number to a User Profile, see our Help Centre Guide here

User Short dial

This is your internal short dial number, which follows you around no matter where you are logged in or which device you have chosen to use

Your short dial is visible to other users via the internal and external directory on the User Console

A Direct Dial number can be created and allocated to your User via X-Flow if required. For more information, see our Setting up a Direct Dial Number Help Centre Guide here

Device Management

To access your available devices, click on your initials in the top right hand corner of the User Console

When you have opened your User Profile, you will find your devices listed under the Number section

Please note: Your desk phone will show as a temporary number. This is not a phone number but how Surgery Connect recognises which PC you are connected to

The Device you are currently logged into will be highlighted with a grey arrow. You can select the device you would like to receive and make calls on, including a mobile device, if this has been added to your User Profile

Remember: Logging in with your smartcard within the surgery will automatically select the desk phone connected to your PC, and make you available for calls

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