What is the Call List?
The call list gives supervisors (and clinicians) a live view of the calls coming in, calls going out and calls queuing, as well as the call history for the surgery.
Users will only see calls directed to them, either through their groups or direct calls, when the call has been completed.
The call list includes information on each call.
Call Icons - Incoming/Outgoing, Answered/Missed etc. (Play call recording)
Date/time stamp
Caller (If identified in your Central Directory)
Dialled number
Queue chosen from the menu
Answered by
Call/hold duration bar
Live/Archive View
To the top right of your call list you will see your live view or view archived calls buttons. (Highlighted in blue when active).
Supervisors: When you are in your live view the calls will show as different colours | Green: Inbound Calls Blue: Outbound Calls Red: Calls Queuing White: Completed Calls | |
Users: Your live view will only show your completed calls | White: Completed Calls |
Your archive view will allow you to see up to three years of completed calls.
You can change aspects of your call list view in you settings. See our introduction guide on Personalising your User Console.
Call Icons
To the left hand side of your call list you will see the call icons.
These icons show you if the call was inbound or outbound, answered or not, a video call, fax, or voicemail, missed or abandoned.
There are several icon settings which can be changed. For a full description of the icons and how to choose the different icon sets, see our guide on changing the appearance of your User Console.
Page Turner
To the bottom of your user list you have the page turner.
You can change the number of calls displayed on each page.
To the top left of your call list you have your search and filter buttons.
You can search your live calls (00:00 - 23:59) or your archived calls (up to 3 years), using dates, names or numbers, and filters.
To see a full description of how to search or filter your live and archived calls, and what you can do with that data please see our webinar - Call Data from the User Console.
Call Recordings
You can also access call recordings directly from the Call List.
Your live view (lightning bolt) will display the last 24 hours of calls. (00:00 - 23:59)
You can find up to 3 years of call recording in your archived view.
Remember: A Supervisor can listen to, export and delete call recordings for all users. A user can only listen to or export their own call recordings.
For full details on how to find call recording please see our guides.