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How you can create or edit calendars, adding events and prompts using either the Configuration Console or the Service Delivery Console.

Updated over a year ago

This guide takes you through the following:

Step by step guide

Accessing Calendars via the User Console

Supervisors can access calendars through the User Console. You can choose which calendars to display by changing your User Console Settings

See our full guide, Calendar View Settings

When the Calendars are on display you can Quick Change your calendar modes, for example switching to emergency mode, and view the calendar in full to make any changes required

See our full guide, Quick Calendar Mode Change

View Calendar will take you to the Configuration Console, where you can add or edit calendars and delete events

Accessing Calendars via the Service Delivery Console

If you access your calendars through the Service Delivery Console you can create new calendar modes and create new calendars

Adding a new calendar through the Service Delivery Console

  1. Click the Add New Calendar button

  2. Complete the required information in the pop up window

    Note: The calendar Name is required, you can change the Opening Times later if required

  3. Use the drop down to set the Opening Times for the calendar

    If the opening times are different throughout the week you can customise them in the Advanced Calendar Settings once the calendar has been created

  4. Click Save Calendar to create the calendar

  5. The changes will be saved automatically and you will see the green Success or a red Error message at the top of the screen

    Any issues will be detailed in the Error pop ups

  6. Cancel will close the window without making any changes

  7. Once you have created your calendar you can edit and access the Advanced Calendar Settings from here

Adding a new calendar Mode

  1. Click Add New Calendar Mode button

  2. The Add New Calendar Mode window will open

    You can use the list of Current Modes to help you decide on a mode name, that has not already been used, and a mode colour that hasn't been used previously

  3. Give your calendar mode a descriptive name

  4. Choose your background colour

  5. Save your New Mode

    Your new mode will now be available to add to any of your calendars and to add to your mode switch as a visible output

Accessing Calendars via the Configuration Console

If you access our calendars via the Configuration Console you can Add New Calendars, Edit Calendars and calendar events, delete calendars and calendar events

Adding Calendars via the Configuration Console

  1. Click the New calendar button

  2. The Create calendar window will open

    Set the details for the calendar here

  3. If you have an existing calendar you would like to copy you can select it from the dropdown list, and your new calendar will have the same events scheduled automatically

  4. Save your new calendar

  5. Once saved the Calendar will open so you can make any changes required

Adding Bank Holidays

Bank Holidays can be automatically scheduled into any of your calendars

  1. Toggle Use Public Holidays to Yes

  2. Chose your Public holiday mode for the Bank Holidays so that callers can be routed to the correct call flow and prompt message

  3. Save your changes

  4. The changes will be saved automatically and you will see the green Success or a red Error message at the top of the screen

    Any issues will be detailed in the Error pop ups

  5. Cancel will close the window without making any changes

See our full guide for creating single and reoccurring events, and changing mode priority: Adding Calendars

Deleting Recurring Events via the Configuration Console

  1. Click on the event that you want to delete on the calendar

  2. Click Edit on the pop up

  3. This will open the Event Manager

  4. Click Delete to remove the event

    You will see a warning message pop up when using Delete

    CANCEL - will return you to the Event Manager

    CONFIRM - will only delete the selected event only

    DELETEALL - will remove all instances of the event from the calendar

  5. If you choose DELETEALL, you will need to confirm your choice before the 10 second timer reaches 0, otherwise the action will timeout and you will need to return to the Event Manager

    Once the event has been deleted you will see it has been removed from your calendar

  6. Close your calendar

Adding/Editing Prompts via X-flow

  1. Navigate to the X-flow console

Loading a call flow

  1. The X-flow workspace will open, it will be an almost completely black screen

  2. At the top left hand corner click on the Load button

  3. A window will load, with a list of all of the call flows for your surgery. Select the call flow you want to edit and click Load

  4. Your call flow will now be loaded onto the X-flow Workspace

Visible Outputs - Mode Switch Properties

Once your call flow has loaded you can add your new calendar mode to the mode switch

  1. Double click on the mode switch to open the properties

  2. Select the Visible Outputs tab

  3. All of your Visible Outputs (Calendar Modes) will display in a list. You can see which ones are active on your mode switch with the blue tick

  4. Tick your new mode to add is as a Visible Output to your mode switch

  5. Click Save

  6. Your new calendar mode is now a visible output on your Mode Switch

Adding a Prompt

A prompt is your information message to the caller, this is where you would tell your caller that there are No Appointments available, but they can continue to hold to speak to someone

  1. Drag and drop the Prompt Block onto your workspace

  2. Double click on the New Prompt to open up the Prompt Properties

  3. Name your prompt and give it a description, remember you want the caller to hear your prompt without skipping it, so select No for Can Interrupt

  4. Edit the Audio of your prompt by clicking on the Audio tab

    Here you can upload an MP3 message our use Text to Speech - see our Text to Speech guide

  5. When you are happy with your Prompt click Save

  6. Next you need to add your Prompt to the call flow by joining the dots. Click on the workspace to deselect the Prompt and Hang Up

  7. Click on the Hang Up block and delete it, either with the delete button on your keyboard or by using the Delete function button

  8. Join the new Visible Output to the start of the Prompt by selecting the dots. Then join the end of the Prompt to the Main Menu, by selecting the dots

    This makes sure the when the No Appointments Calendar Mode is active, the No Appointment Prompt will be heard before the caller gets to your Main Menu

  9. Use the Auto Arrange function button to arrange your call flow so it can be viewed clearly

Test and Deploy

You can test your call flow to check the Calendar Mode and New Prompt. Once you have Deployed your call flow it will become live

See our full guides:

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